Miklós Hoffmann

full professor


Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science


Leányka str. 4

Eger, Hungary


Phone: +36-36- 520478


mail: hoffmann.miklos@uni-eszterhazy.hu

Art exhibition vernissage and guided tours

I feel honored to hold openings and guided tours at various art exhibitions "through the eyes of a mathematician", where I may also talk about the relationship between art and science.



2025: Pera Museum, Istanbul


guided tours of the exhibition Calculations and Coincidencies, a collection of works of Vera Molnár, Dóra Maurer, and Gizella Rákóczy, pioneers in algorithmic and computer art from the collection of MNB Arts and Culture, and
guided tours of the exhibition In Search of Vera Molnár, which brings together contemporary artists inspired by Vera Molnár's artistic practice, thanks to the Broich Digital Art Stiftung.






2024: Ludwig Museum ARTtransfer Special Award

for the Mediation and Promotion of Contemporary Fine Art




2024: Vasarely Museum, Budapest

Guided tour of the Vasarely permanent exhibition





2024: MODEM, Debrecen

 Guided tour of the exhibition The Image of the Colour, the Mistery of the Image







2024: Ludwig Musem, Budapest

 Guided tour of the exhibition À LA RECHERCHE DE VERA MOLNAR – Artworks by Vera Molnar and Homages by Internationally Acclaimed Artists as part of the Ludwig Lounge 2024 event.





2024: Templom Gallery, Eger

Opening of the Typozone5 exhibition




2023: MODEM, Debrecen

Opening and guided tour of the exhibition Keserü Károly: Körbe-körbe 

Vernissage: facebook






2020: MODEM, Debrecen

Opening and guided tour of the exibition Machine Imaginaire: Vera Molnár algoritmusai